
If you would like to post a testimonial about your experience at Healing For Life, fill out the form below or send an email to drbeadle@gmail.com.


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I have suffered with restless leg syndrome (RLS) for the past 7 to 8 years. The RLS was so bad that I might get 2 to 3 hours of rest before being woken from a spasm. The medicine prescribed by my medical doctor did not help.

During a class reunion it was suggested that acupuncture might help. I searched the phone book and found Dr. Beadle and the results have been wonderful! I have cut back on my medications and have been consistently getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep. I can also report that my bladder control has been better now than in years past.

I would recommend Dr. Beadle for chiropractic and acupuncture treatment. 


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My Testimony of What Dr. B Has Done for Me

Come to Healing for Life where you’re free to complain
Everyone there wants to help you get rid of pain
Jeanette cheerily greets you and calls you by name
While Rebecca’s big smile lets you know she’s glad that you came
Electric stimulation is certainly nothing to fear
Relax under an ice pack while soothing music plays in your ear
Then perhaps an x-ray or maybe a scan
So that Dr. B can develop the best plan
To gently manipulate and adjust
While reminding you that exercise and healthy eating is a must
And you will see, come one day
That the aches and the pains have gone away.


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I can give praise and thanks to Dr. Beadle for both her adjustments and acupuncture. I had tendonitis of the elbow that hurt so much I could not open a door, crank my car, or pick up a cup!!! After her treatments, I am again able to work out with weights and play tennis.


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I am a Massage Therapist and for many years have utilized chiropractic care to manage scoliosis and the occasional subluxations and resulting nerve pain that can occur with this condition. Dr. Beadle is always able to adjust my spine in a manner that provides me with instant pain relief. Her method of adjustment to my spine is different from any other chiropractor I have seen in the past and to me is superior in that she gets more results from my adjustments without residual tenderness or pain. She is always able to help me and I am now able to refer my clients to her care if they need to see a Chiropractor.

- M. S.

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I started seeing Dr. Beadle about five years ago for dizziness, neck and back pain and headaches. With my adjustments and acupuncture once a month, more if needed, my pain is gone. I only have flair ups when I do something stupid, like fall off my medicine ball. I always send my friends to her if they ask me where I go. She is the best!


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In April of 2009 I began having a burning pain in my left leg. At first it was just irritating but it rapidly developed into a severe pain that interfered with my daily activities. In June of ‘09 I embarked upon a journey to find a “cure”. I went from chiropractor to orthopedist to my family doctor to a pain doctor to a neurologist to another orthopedist. I had x-rays, an MRI and carpal tunnel surgery. (The carpal tunnel surgery was great for alleviating pain in my hand). This journey lasted a full year with the pain now extending down my left leg. After back injections of cortisone, some powerful pain pills, and some chiropractic treatments I began thinking I would never be normal again.
Finally in early July ‘10 I had an initial visit with Dr. Beadle hoping for a miracle. During those first few weeks I thought this was another waste of time and money. I had numb toes and excruciating pain. With no other options, except for back surgery, I decided to see it through. It’s now mid-August ‘10 and I am nearly pain free. Dr. Beadle’s combination of therapy, adjustments, acupuncture, and moa therapy has been the answer for me. Thanks, Dr. Beadle! I only wish I had come to you earlier.


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Upper back pain, all over body soreness and lack of flexibility brought me to Dr. Beadle’s office. Before visiting Dr. Beadle I used a general practitioner and OTC anti-inflammatory meds. I have used chiropractic before, over the years, for shoulder and low back pain. After treatments with Dr. Beadle I have more energy, the pain in my upper back is gone. My body is more flexible and the overall soreness has improved. My skin is smoother and I haven’t had fingernails like these in years.  If anyone asks me about my experience with Dr. Beadle I always recommend chiropractic and tell them it just makes sense and improves your total body.


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Here’s my story: I have used Chiropractors on a limited basis over the years but never knew my adjustments could actually cause my bowels to work better. Well, I went to Dr. Beadle and after a few adjustments I was going regularly. Maybe that’s not a big deal to many but it is with me. I feel like I have had a successful day when I clear my bowels. So thank you Dr. Beadle for your manipulation of my system to the point of causing a smile on my face. You probably know that women love to manipulate men and Dr. Beadle is really good at it.
That’s my story and I’m sticking by it.


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I have been saved from menopausal hot flashes (over 5 years) by Dr. Beadle’s acupuncture expertise. I was told by another chiropractor that there was no acupuncture for this condition. Had obtained moderate/sporadic relief from herbal supplements and abstaining from spicy foods etc. After two acupuncture sessions I am no longer bothered by hot flashes.
Thank you Dr. Beadle!


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I, Martha Reid McDaniel suffer from degenerative bones in my neck and knees. I also have a hemi vertebrae on the right side of my neck, also I have fibromyalgia, also I have bone spurs, something was pulled in my spine and my right foot is partially numb, tingly, and part feels normal. I hurt from the base of my neck to the bottom of my feet. Well, anyway I was taking 5 different meds and my life was miserable. I couldn’t sleep at night and I was in constant pain. I was falling down a lot and bumping into things and bruising my legs, I was falling across things and falling off ladders, my legs were like jello. Depression and anxiety were also an issue due to my pain. I was suicidal. I did have God with me and I was praying for relief. I was taking so many pain medications, up to 10 per day. I was miserable and so depressed. I couldn’t find much relief so my prayer was for God to let me fall asleep and take me home to be with  him or to et me some relief I was growing tired. Anyway my thoughts turned to suicide and how many meds should I take or should I try death by gun. I spend a lot of my time thinking about how to get out of this world to my heavenly home so my pain would go away. 
Well, in October 2009 I was asked to try Dr. Elizabeth Beadle and I agreed, what did I have to lose? I was given a $200.00 coupon that cost me $27.00 to get evaluated. Well that was the beginning of my doctor visits. My life ahs been changed by going to Dr. Elizabeth Beadle. I am not taking any medications now and my pain has be reduced greatly, I now laugh, smile, enjoy life, go to the gym, look forward to each day, reading and keep trying to improve my daily living. I haven’t fell in awhile now and not bumping into things. I continue to see Dr. Beadle twice a week and I thank my Heavenly Father for letting someone share her with me and thank him for giving her the knowledge to help people like me. I don’t think Dr. Beadle even knows how much she has helped me. I look forward to going to her office 2 times a week because I do find great relief.  She and her staff are wonderful people and I wish them the best in life. They have made all the difference for me and I just want to let her and her staff know. Thank you and may God bless you always.


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I have suffered with fibromyalgia, my facial pain syndrome where my face would get very painful knots in the muscles facial covering. I also have a double scoliosis of the spine with some pelvic involvement and some arthritis is in the knees and hips. Approximately 3 moth sago I was given the name of Dr. Beadle by a patient of hers she has been helped immensely with her chronic pain of long standing by Dr. Beadle.
I had tried numerous approaches by both the medical and nutritional community with little effect. Everyone seems to have a “magical cure” for fibromyalgia and I tried most of them with out help. After consideration, I gave it one “last ditch effort”. I am so glad I did! I was so impressed from the first step in the door, you really feel so welcome.  The warmth of the support staff their caring and the original tests gave me the confidence that maybe I could be helped. From the beginning Jeanette and Rebecca make you feel you’ve come to the right place. When you meet Dr. Beadle you meet a caring, empathetic and compassionate person with healing hands - like x-ray machines that go to the source of the pain, not just the symptoms. In her care I feel that a steady progression to a wheel chair has been reversed. I can now walk for expanding time periods without my cane. My balance is improving and my mobility is returning. It took approximately 45 yeas (from teenager with chronic fatigue) to get down so far. Thanks to this Doctor, I have decided to really get well again and regain the race and mobility that I once had. My pain level is beginning to recede and the treatments hold longer each time. My sleep has improved and my outlook on life is positive again. I used to day that I understood why chronic pain sufferers sometimes contemplate and/or take their own life. For me, finding the right Doctor has truly been a blessing for me.
I can truly say now that Dr. Elizabeth Beadle is one of those “God sent angels” people pray to find - she was for me!
Thank you Dr. Beadle and staff! You’re the best!

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I have always been a believer/and user of Chiropractic medicine and Acupuncture.
To find a practitioner of Elizabeth's caliber who can serve clients with both modalities, is rare and a great blessing to this community.
As a Personal Trainer, I continually recommend both as valuable and practical tools for healing.
In fact in my 48 years, I have seen more value and results from "Eastern" or non-traditional forms of medicine over conventional or Western medicine.
I first came to see Elizabeth as an injured runner in 2008. I had developed a significant issue with my left knee while training for a marathon.
The treatments and advice I had been given by an orthopedist, offered no relief or guidance. Then another multi-sport athlete friend of mine shared his own story of how Elizabeth had helped him.
The combination of muscle stimulation, acupuncture and chiropractic that Elizabeth used, no doubt, sped up my healing process and helped to resolve long standing imbalances in other areas.
Unlike the orthopedist that I had seen, Elizabeth also gave me very valuable advice on how to continue to recover from my injury and speed up the healing process.
Any active person, competitive athlete or recreational, should regularly employ Chiropractic and Acupuncture as a part of healthy physical maintenance. In doing so, one can continue to be active for a lifetime but rebound from injury faster, avoid injury in many cases and increase performance.


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Ten years ago I hobbled into Dr. Beadle’s office bent over with
sciatic nerve pain. After several treatments including acupuncture, I have remained upright and pain free. In addition to regular adjustments she has been available at short notice for treatments following falls and long car trips. The Healing for Life classes and care have kept me active as I approach my 73rd birthday.
Thank you, Dr. Beadle and your wonderful staff,




    Healing For Life
    2436 N Center St .
    Hickory, NC 28601-1335
    Google Map Directions

    phone: 828.325.5850
    fax: 828.325.5852



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