New Hours! We now open at 7:30am!
Our practice is focused on helping patients attain optimal health and wellness through the benefits of chiropractic, acupuncture, meridian therapy, nutrition and fitness. Nerve imbalance or "pinching of the nerve" in addition to "Qi" (chi) imbalance cause problems ranging from pain to visceral dysfunction to "just feeling out of sorts and tired."
Dr. Beadle and the staff are very caring and professional. We pride ourselves in helping people change their lives in becoming much healthier and happier.
New Patients
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You can also get started, by downloading and filling out your patient form before you come to see us.
Healing For Life phone: 828.325.5850
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Articles on
Health and Wellness:
"Statins and Cardiovascular Disease: Not as Protective as We're Led to Believe"